Find Guidance. Learn how to talk about important issues, work through barriers, and make healthy choices.
2-1-1 provides free and confidential information and referral to resources for help with food, housing, employment, health care, counseling and more.
Above the Influence
Originally created as a part of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign (a program of the Office of National Drug Control Policy), Above the Influence transitioned away from federal oversight (as of March 2014) and is now a program of the non-profit Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. The campaign continues to be inspired by what teens say about their lives and how they deal with the influences that shape their decisions.
Worldwide organization that offers a program of help and mutual support for families and friends of someone with a drinking problem whether or not the person with a drinking problem seeks help or even recognizes the existence of a drinking problem.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Area 11
A worldwide fellowship of men and women who help each other to stay sober. They offer the same help to anyone who has a drinking problem and wants to do something about it.
Beth-El Center
The Beth-El Center’s mission is to alleviate homelessness and hunger in the Milford area through shelter, support services, advocacy and community education in partnership with the faith-based community and public and private organizations.
Boys and Girls Club of Milford
Part of a nationwide affiliation of local, autonomous organizations that work to help young people of all backgrounds develop the qualities they need to become responsible citizens and leaders.
Bridges Healthcare
Mental health and addiction recovery programs and services that help adults, children and families move toward healing, recovery and renewal. Bridges is unique in its ability to offer care and treatment for the whole family, children and adults, in the same location, which can make it easier to access services and afford better outcomes for all.
This program promotes healthy choices and responsible decision-making, with information and education on sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy prevention, healthy relationships and referrals to relevant community resources.
Connecticut Clearinghouse
A statewide library and resource center for information on substance use and mental health disorders, prevention and health promotion, treatment and recovery, wellness and other related topics. Materials from our specialized library and resource center are available to Connecticut families, teachers, students, professionals, communities and children.
Connecticut Suicide Advisory Board
CTSAB a network of diverse advocates, educators and leaders concerned with addressing the problem of suicide with a focus on prevention, intervention, and health and wellness promotion.
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
The Connecticut DMHAS is a health care agency whose mission is to promote the overall health and wellness of persons with behavioral health needs through an integrated network of holistic, comprehensive, effective, and efficient services and supports that foster dignity, respect, and self-sufficiency in those we serve.
Drug Free Action Alliance
The Know! drug prevention and awareness program targets parents and caregivers of middle school students and empowers them to raise their children substance-free.
Hidden in Plain Sight
LiveLOUD Families
If you know a young person struggling with addiction, they may need your help in managing this complex disease. There are many different types of help available for teens and their families. Help is available through assessment, treatment, support groups for families and their teens, and positive activities for teens that replace substance use. Services can be located by phone, the internet, or through direct referral from a health care provider or community organization.
Milford Community Opioid Overdose Response (COOR) Collaborative
A community initiative for the prevention and treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
National Institute on Drug Abuse
NIDA’s mission is to advance science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health.
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Committed to helping families struggling with their son or daughter’s substance use. We empower families with information, support and guidance to get the help their loved one needs and deserves.
Rape Crisis Center of Milford
The RCC’s mission is to eliminate violence and sexual assault through education and prevention and to empower victims to regain control of their lives. Our goal is to provide high quality, comprehensive and culturally competent sexual assault victim services and community education.
ROOM4 — Milford Drop-in Center
Room4 is a Drop-in Resource Center in Milford — a place where people can go, without making an appointment, for: friends, recreation, arts, community resources, or someone who will listen.
Safe Kids Worldwide
A nonprofit organization working to protect kids on the move, at home and at play. Preventable injuries are the #1 killer of kids in the United States. Throughout the world, almost one million children die of an injury each year, and almost every one of these tragedies is preventable.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAMHSA is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.
SURGE Teen Substance Use Resource Guide
The purpose of this guide is to help providers as they try and connect teens who use substances (and their families and support systems) to beneficial resources. The creators of this guide recognize that it can be very overwhelming for youth and families to research resources and therefore caution providers from distributing this to youth and their families.
The Real Cost
Information and interactive tools on the effects of tobacco use and effective interventions.
This Free Life
This Free Life is a campaign that works to prevent and reduce tobacco use among young adults who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT).
Too Smart to Start
A public education initiative that provides research-based strategies and materials to professionals and volunteers at the community level to help them conduct an underage alcohol use prevention program. The materials are designed to educate youth about the harms of alcohol use and to support parents and caregivers as they participate in their children’s activities.
United Way of Milford
By combining the power of people and resources, United Way of Milford helps to build a stronger, safer, healthier and more vibrant community. We address the needs of the poor and the elderly, of children and families, including those who are troubled by virtue of significant physical or psychological challenges. We enable thousands of people in Milford to maintain their independence, experience healthy lifestyles, and stay socially involved.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration – Tobacco Products
While there has been significant progress, tobacco use remains a major problem in the United States—one that FDA is working hard to help reduce. Among other efforts, we are investing in a number of public campaigns to help educate about the dangers of tobacco products.