Our Programs
Our programs are current and evidence-based. All presentations are available to organizations and small groups by request.
Freshman Forum
We hold these forums in November each year at both Foran and Law high schools. They are mandatory for all freshman and at least one parent per family. Five speakers present on topics related to alcohol and substance use. If a student does not attend, he/she is required to write an essay on the topics presented.
Hidden in Plain Sight
This presentation provides up to date information on the dangers of youth tobacco, cannabis, and alcohol use before going into the creative ways that youth can hide their substances. We bring along tons of examples for the parents and participants to explore the hidden compartments. For more information Email: info@milfordprevention.org
Cannabis: Everything you should know and more.
This presentation provides parents and community members with information on the difference between THC and CBD, the dangers of high potency THC on youth brain development, the impact of THC on mental health, and what community members can do to reduce youth THC use in Milford.
Senior University
These 2-hour programs for high school seniors take place each May. They include a series of speakers who rotate among groups of seniors. Topics focus on the many transitions youth face moving from high school to college and work. Speakers also discuss issues important to seniors such as the transition from adolescence, the decrease in parental supervision, making good choices, financial security, health relationships, and mental health.
Naloxone Training
Due to a grant, we are able to provide these monthly trainings free of charge. These trainings provide information on trends, new developments, and teach you how to use this life-saving medication. All participants are eligible to receive their own Narcan at the end of the training.
TIPS Training
TIPS (Training for Intervention Procedures) provides a collaborative approach to preventing alcohol misuse. TIPS training builds on the skills that you already have to promote responsible alcohol consumption and prevent drunk driving, sales to minors, and over service.
Liquor Retail Forum
The purpose of the forum is to educate local retailers on current issues, trends, and laws regarding alcohol related matters in our community. Topics include an overview of liquor laws and compliance issues provided by the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection Liquor Control Division, an overview of the T.I.P.S program, and trends in fake IDs.
Live Vape-free Education
This presentation educates participants on the components of a vape device, the dangers of tobacco and cannabis use on youth brain development as well on other body systems, the impact on mental health, how to refuse, healthy options to manage stress, coping strategies, dealing with cravings, and provides cessation resources. This program initially was created as an alternative to suspension/vaping cessation class but has evolved for use in health classes and community programs.
Mental Health First Aid Training
Mental Health First Aid is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis. Through grant funding, we are able to provide this valuable training to community members at no cost. Check out our events page or follow us on Facebook/ Instagram to find out about upcoming trainings.
Student Billboard Contest
Held annually, this contest is open to all Milford middle and high school students. This contest gives students the opportunity to create messaging that focuses on increasing awareness about the dangers of substance use in youth and/or protective factors that prevent initiation of substance use. Winners have their design transformed into a billboard in town.
Youth Committee
Our youth committee is open to Milford residents in grades 8th-12th. We meet twice per month and participate in community events that promote mental health and living a healthy life. Members participate in activities that increase knowledge regarding substance use, mental health, skills building, and leadership. Check out our gambling awareness video on our YouTube Channel!
Compliance Checks
MPC partners with local and state law enforcement to implement compliance check programs. The programs focus on local tobacco and alcohol retailers. Our goal is to target high-risk underage drinking and substance use. Data show that these programs can reduce drinking and driving, overdoses and alcohol poisoning.
Student Survey & Community Health Needs Assessment
Evaluation is a critical part of our approach to reducing youth substance use. Collected every 2 years, these surveys provide data on current issues impacting Milford youth and the community at large. MPC is committed to providing effective and evidence-based initiatives. This data guides how we create programs in the future and allows us to change or eliminate efforts that are not effective. This approach ensures progress towards our long-term goals. It helps us sustain a diverse, active coalition and decrease youth substance use in our community.